Season 10 2010-2011

Sept. 2010
Ladies First
4 Plays: The First Fireworks, by Alex Broun, Credo, by Craig Lucas, Poof,by Lynn Nottage, Lives of the Great Waitresses, by Nina Shengold, and The Role of Della by John J. Wooten
Directed by Wendy Wilcox

Jan. 2011
Bloodt Ordinary
One for the Road, by Harold Pinter
Directed by
David Berkson

Oct. 2010
Melville and Hawthorne and Poe, Oh My
3 Plays: Bartleby The Scrivener, by Herman Melville, Young Goodman Brown, by Nathanial Hawthorne, and The Raven” , by Edgar Allen Poe
Directed by Mary McDonald-Lewis
Nov. 2010
The Fall of the Fourth Wall
The Actor’s Nightmare, by Christopher Durang, Caught in the Act, by Bruce Kane, and Captive Audience, by David Ives
Directed by
Jason England

Feb. 2011
Baseroots, RTR and Africans in the Americas
Pantomime, by Derek Walcott
Co-directed by Bobby Bermea and Wendy Wilcox
Apr. 2011
Pacific Northwest Premieres
Entering A Mindfield & The Scottish Client, by John A. Donnelly, Little Moscow by Aleks Merilo, Our Song & The Gubmint, by Mark Saunders, and Six Dead Bodies Duct-Taped to a Merry-go-Round by Lindsay Marianna Walker & Dawson L. Moore
Directors: Bob Martin, Mary McDonald-Lewis, and Wendy Wilcox

Dec. 2010
Christmas Merry and Dark
I’ll be Home for Christmas, by Robert Anderson, Mutilated, by Tennessee Williams
Directed by
Bob Martin

May 2011
Laughs from the Lapin Nagil
Picasso at the Lapin Agile, by Steve Martin
Directed by
Bob Martin
Click an image to get full details on each production.