Season 16 2016-2017
Sept. 2016
A Coward's Guide to Humor
By Noel Coward
Directed by
Mary McDonald-Lewis
Jan. 2017
Revolutionary Laughter
4 Plays: Variations on the Death of Trotsky, Words, Words, Words, and Playwriting 101: The Rooftop Lesson, by Rich Orloff
Directed by
David Berkson
Oct. 2016
By Yasmina Reza
Guest Director
Tobias Anderson
Feb. 2017
Missed Connections and
Other Love Stories
3 Plays: Sure Thing, by David Ives, Sex With a Mathematician, by Peter Barry, and Defusion, by Brooke Berman
Directed by
Wendy Wilcox
Nov. 2016
Miller One Acts
2 Plays: I Can't Remember Anything, and Clara, by Arthur Miller
Directed by
Bob Martin
Mar. 2017
The Past As Prologue
Quietly, by Owen McCafferty
Directed by
Mary McDonald-Lewis
Dec. 2016
A Very Brechtian Christmas
2 Plays: The Elephant Calf, and The Exception and the Rule, both by Bertolt Brecht
Directed by
Christy Drogosch
Apr. 2017
Turning Up the Heat
The Fever, By Wallace Shawn
Directed by
David Berkson
Click an image to get full details on each production.
May 2017
Two Comedies by Thompson
Twinkle, Twinkle, and A Good Time, by Earnest Thompson
Directed by
Bob Martin