Season 6 2006-2007

Sept. 2006
Address Unknown
1 Play: Address Unknown, by Katherine Kressman Taylor
Directed By
Mary McDonald-Lewis

Jan. 2007
Race and Relations, Set to a Blues Tune
1 Play: San Antonio Sunset, by Willy Holtzman
Directed by
Mary McDonald-Lewis

Oct. 2006
Is This the Bard I See Before Me?
1 Play: Macabre Macbeth, adapted and directed by
David Berson

Feb. 2007
3 Plays: Hag, by Brian Rooney, and Learning Experience at Elderhostel & A Year of Grace, both by John A. Donnelly
Directed by
Matthew Martin

Nov. 2006
Little-Known Gems
4 Plays: Eukiah, by Lanford Wilson, No Skronking, by Shel Silverstein, The Case of the Crushed Petunias, by Tennessee Williams, and Variations On the Death of Trotsky, by David Ives
Directed by Matthew Martin
Dec. 2006
Bittersweet Christmas
2 Plays: A Child's Christmas in Wales, by Dylan Thomas and Mutilated, by Tennessee Williams
Directed by
Wendy Wilcox

Mar. 2007
Ireland: Bloody Beautiful
1 Play & Irish Poetry: Greatest Hits, by Thomas McLaughlin
Directed by
David Berkson

Apr. 2007
New Plays from the New South
5 Plays: Looking for Our Town, by Hank Kimmel, Possessed by the Past, by Raleigh Marcell, Homeland, by Raymond Macanally, September Tenth, by Vynnie Meli, & Bobby Hebert, by Brett Williams
Directors: Bob Martin, Mary McDonald-Lewis & Guest Director Jason England
Click an image to get full details on each production.

May 2007
Comic Collaborations
1 Play Plus: The Good Doctor, by Neil Simon, and a series of comic vignettes, by Anton Chekhov Thomas McLaughlin
Co-Directed by
David Berkson & Wendy Wilcox