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Season 14 2014-2015


Sept. 2014
May in September

2 Plays: Adaptation, and an edited Not Enough Rope, both by Elaine May
Directed by
Wendy Wilcox


Feb. 2015
Broken Hearts, Foreign Land

Tea, by Velina Hasu Houston
Directed by
Bob Martin


Oct. 2014
That's Absurd

The Lesson, by Eugene Ionesco
Directed by
David Berkson


Mar. 2015
Irish Women, Irish Men

2 Plays: Going Beyond Alma’s Glory, by Teresa Deevy, and Lady Gregory’s Ingredients, by Kelly Younger
Directed by
Mary McDonald-Lewis


Dec. 2014
Catching the Conscience of the King

The Play’s the Thing, an all-woman telling of Hamlet, Act II, Sc. II, by William Shakespeare

Directed by

Wendy Wilcox

Jan. 2015
The Prodigal Son Problem

Edwin, by John Mortimer

Directed by

Mary McDonald-Lewis


Apr. 2015
The Worst of Times and the Worser of Times

Tough Choices for a New Century, by Jane Anderson
Directed by
Bob Martin

May 2015
Bigelow & Maniccia: 6 Plays, 60 Minutes!

Reinventing the Wheel, by Megan Lohne, Numbers, by Greg Kreutz, Lack of Moisture, by Debbie Lamedman, Customer Service, by Phillip Hall, Fair Shake, by Jeffrey Gold, and Absent Grace, by Claudia Barnett
Directed by: Wendy Wilcox & Mary McDonald-Lewis

Click an image to get full details on each production.


Jun. 2015
That's Why the Lady is a Sage

Cleaning Lady Whips the Dogs of War, by David Ritchie
Directed by
Bob Martin

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